Apply for an initial star rating based on your skill, experience, and portfolio strength. Simply deliver great work to raise your star rating and pay rates.
We hand-reviewed profile and portfolio samples to deeply assess your work, experience, and expertise. And we assign an initial star rating to get started quickly.
Our algorithm tracks your performance in the platform, triggering star rating reviews when you deliver amazing work and exceed client expectations on projects.
Patterns of dropped orders, poor reviews and project friction will trigger performance reviews to keep you on track and moving upward with your career and income.
Make the case for higher star ratings and pay rate ranges in a variety of ways including platform performance and new Verified Pay Rates with your clients outside the platform.
You deserve better pay when you create content backed by years of experience and fine-tuned ability. And our star rating system ensures it. The higher your star rating, the higher rate per word you can expect, all backed by our algorithm that removes the guesswork.