Josh specializes first and foremost as a general writer, but also has experience with copywriting and journalism and, to a lesser degree, comedic writing.
As a general writer, Josh primarily writes fiction and poetry, especially in the genres of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. He explores other genres as well, and regularly enters competitions with randomized genres and lengths in order to challenge himself. He is most comfortable with flash fiction and short stories but has begun creating serialized content for his writing website.
Josh's copywriting experience stems primarily from his years as a product marketing manager for an educational assessment publisher. He was responsible for creating brochures, email campaigns, advertisements, and more to help support sales for a $40M product portfolio.
It's been a while since Josh has written as a journalist, but he was an active participant in his college's student newspaper, rising from Staff Writer to News and Features editor by the end of his Freshman year. During that time, he did some comedic writing by providing joke headlines around the campus's weekly police briefs. Each year, he also wrote satirical pieces for the paper's beloved April Fools Day issue and was allowed to cut loose with godawful, pun-filled headlines.
Josh primarily writes fiction and poetry, especially in the genres of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. He explores other genres as well, and regularly enters competitions with randomized genres and lengths in order to challenge himself. He is most comfortable with flash fiction and short stories but has begun creating serialized content for his writing website.
When he's not writing or working on his website, Josh enjoys spending time with his family and cat, reading, or playing video games. He's into everything from old-school shooters like DOOM to couch co-op games like the Overcooked! series, but if he had to choose one, he'd say Half-Life 2 is the best game of all time.
Josh attended the University of Tampa to study Marketing at the John H. Sykes College of Business. However, while at the school, he learned that his Advanced Placement test credit had brought him halfway to a History degree as well. So, he decided to pursue a double-major in order to get the most out of his time at UT.
Josh has worked in the education industry since graduating college. His full-time employer sells high-stakes, research-backed education and clinical assessments to educators and psychologists. During this time Josh has worked in many different roles, including sales support, product management, and product marketing. Josh currently manages the company's website and eCommerce experience.
Josh's marketing work primarily centered around clinical and special needs assessments within the education industry. His responsibilities were greatly varied but included creating brochures and other sales collateral, generating ad copy and email campaigns, writing product descriptions, organizing a catalog, maintaining a website, organizing conferences, and more.
Josh currently manages the website and eCommerce experience for a publisher of high-quality, research-backed education and clinical assessments within the education industry. He is responsible for increasing the adoption of self-service options on the website, as well as creating and maintaining the copy and descriptions for various products in the company's $100M portfolio.
For most of his time at the University of Tampa, Josh was an active participant in the university's student-published newspaper, The Minaret. By the end of his freshman year, he had worked his way up from Staff Writer to News and Features editor. He was regularly responsible not only for writing articles but for editing other students' work as well.
Writing copy for email campaigns was one of Josh's primary responsibilities as a product marketing manager for a $40M product portfolio of clinical and special needs assessments within the education industry. He is able to turn these projects around quickly and understands the importance of editing in ensuring content is compelling. He has experience with both multi- and single-touch campaigns.
Josh routinely works with web content, whether in his primary role managing the website and eCommerce for a $100M company or running his personal creative writing website. Josh understands that the arrangement and shape of the words on the page are just as important as the copy itself -- a line break in the wrong place can create a jarring reading experience for customers.
Josh has put together FAQs for many different use cases. Some centered around purchasing processes and other common issues, while others were product-specific and gave important information to customers to ensure they chose the correct product configuration for their purchase. When writing FAQs Josh is able to keep responses succinct, even when the subject matter is complex.
To help promote his website, Josh routinely creates Facebook posts using a combination of custom images and text. Each post includes the name of the piece for that week, a brief summary, a teaser for the following week, and a CTA that encourages readers to sign up on his site and receive updates when new pieces are posted.
Josh has been responsible for creating presentations on a regular basis throughout his career. He has presented for executives and senior leadership teams, customer service teams, sales, and even his colleagues in marketing. He has experience assembling everything from recurring reports to specialized presentations and training. In one instance, he compiled and led a half-day training for teammates on the importance of story-based marketing. Josh also knows that, when creating a presentation, the layout and design elements should never detract from the content itself.
Josh knows a thing or two about product descriptions, having put together several hundred to help improve the online ordering customer experience at his primary employer. These descriptions were primarily for clinical and special needs assessments within the education industry. Each needed to include a summary of the instrument’s capabilities, its authors and publication date, and details about what was included in the kit itself.
In Josh's previous role as a product marketing manager, he regularly wrote copy for print and digital advertisements. Because his work centered around clinical and special needs psychological assessments, his ads typically appeared in publications such as the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Communiqué as well as smaller regional psychology magazines.
In Josh's previous role as a product marketing manager, he regularly wrote copy for print and digital advertisements. These have appeared on various websites across the industry, typically awarded as the result of sponsoring an organization. Ad content typically focused on the Education industry; specifically, clinical and special needs psychological assessments.
In Josh's previous role as a product marketing manager, he was responsible for creating direct mail campaigns for a $40M product portfolio. This required writing punchy headlines and brief-but-compelling content to get the recipient to follow our call-to-action. The copy needed to be creative but still professional without being stiff. Josh was also responsible for recommending and approving artwork and an overall design theme to go with each campaign.
In Josh's previous role as a product marketing manager, he regularly wrote copy for brochures and other print sales collateral. His material powered sales for a $40M portfolio of individually-administered psychological assessments; including products with complex and inter-related sub-components and assessment batteries. He also wrote brochure copy focused on cross-sales of products within the same vertical.
To help promote his website, Josh routinely creates Twitter posts using a combination of custom images and text. Each post includes the name of the piece for that week, a brief summary, a teaser for the following week, and a CTA that encourages readers to sign up on his site and receive updates when new pieces are posted.
While Josh has yet to write a full book, he is a prolific fiction author who regularly publishes short stories and flash fiction on his personal website. He is adaptable to any genre, and typically engages in writing competitions with randomized genres to further challenge himself, but is most at home writing fantasy, science fiction, and horror.
Josh has written scripts for professional videos and audio recordings. When it comes to audio or video scripts for advertising, Josh is able to distill complex ideas down to simple, digestible nuggets for audience consumption. He honed this skill while working as a product marketing manager supporting a sophisticated set of psychological testing instruments, and walked a fine line between including enough jargon to show that the company knew how its clients talked, but without getting too into the weeds. Josh has also written screenplays for more creative projects and is able to put together a very visual screenplay without “directing from the keyboard.
In Josh's previous role as a product marketing manager, he was responsible for organizing and editing the annual print catalog for a $40M product portfolio. This also included creating ads to be placed throughout the catalog, detailed checking and double-checking of SKUs and prices, and putting together compelling copy to tell the company's story at the beginning of the catalog.
In his role as product marketing manager, supporting a $40M portfolio of products, Josh routinely engaged with speakers to understand what their presentation was about. Using that information, Josh would craft compelling email campaigns to encourage customers to join and listen to the presentation. The products were a suite of clinical and special needs assessments within the education industry. Josh also has experience hosting the presentation, facilitating end-of-session Q&A, sending follow-up emails to customers, and assisting with scheduling.