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WriterAccess Academy
What is WriterAccess Academy?

WA Academy is a member-only portal for all our customers and freelancers to advance their career by mastering the six pillars of content marketing and strategy. These include content planning, creation, optimization, distribution, performance, and comedy.

You’ll get instant access to our signature Content Strategy Masterclass offering 20+ hours of training by 10 world-class trainers, with testing required to earn your personalized badge of completion that you can promote and share. 

Launching in July 2021, members will also have access to more than 250+ recorded sessions, resources, guides, and templates archived from our annual Content Marketing Conference.

More than 15,000 attendees have attended the CMC conference over the last 8 years. And more than 1,000 students have earned their certification.

Who can access WriterAccess Academy?

WA Academy is a member-only portal for all our customers and freelancers to advance their career by mastering the six pillars of content marketing and strategy. These include content planning, creation, optimization, distribution, performance, and comedy.

How can I display my Content Strategy MasterClass Certification?

Any and all students that complete the content strategy tests earn a personalized badge of completion that you can promote and share. The badge links to your PURL (Personalized URL) certification confirming your completion.